June 28, 2011

Water boBBle

So this is another bzz campaign that I am in as a bzz agent. I'm not totally sure how I feel on this one yet though...

When I got the early invite to this campaign, I was VERY excited about it! I LOVE bottled water!

So I finally got my water bobble today and well, I'm not really impressed. I'm actually kind of disappointed... It is a water bottle with a carbon filter attached to the top. When you first get the bobble, you have to fill it up and then squirt all the water out in order to rinse the carbon filter so you don't end up getting carbon in your water when you drink it... So I did that twice just to be safe... Well, here's where the issue comes in...

If I pull the top up all the way to take a drink, I end up getting a lot of air and not a lot of water. Kind of defeats the purpose of a water bottle, right? So I figured out that if I only pull the top up about half way to drink, I get  a steady stream of water. But then as I suck to drink the water, I end up pulling the top all the way up again and I stop getting water.... That is very aggravating to me and is the primary reason I am unhappy with the water bobble. Maybe I got a defective one, who knows? It's a brand new product... Also, the carbon filter doesn't really seem to be making my tap water taste any different than, well, tap water...

So, that's my review of the water bobble. I'll be contacting bzz agent and asking if I may have gotten a defective bobble... But as of right now, I'm not impressed :/

Here's the website if you'd like more info :) http://www.waterbobble.com/

May 29, 2011

More "toys" from bzz agent :)

So here's my latest bzz campaign :)

It is safesync by TrendMicro.

It works, it does what it needs to do, and well, it's online file storage :) However, if you're a photographer, 10gb isn't going to get you far :/

So, if you're interested in trying it out, head over to TrendMicro and look for the safesync program... Use the discount code "BZZ20" to get a discount on the program :)

Special offer from BzzAgent.com :)