Where to begin... Where to begin...
Let's start with Anna's first referral this week and her first referral ever. After thinking about it, I don't think she should have gotten this one, but ya know, it happens... She got a referral for chewing on her shirt and not wearing it properly. I'm sure she was told numerous times to keep her shirt on the right way and apparently she didn't listen... She also chewed on her shirt until it was soaking wet. When she got home, it was still wet and the shirt smelled disgusting...
Then we come to today. Two days after the first referral and she has another one. Today she pushed someone down off the playground equipment. She went to talk to the Assistant Principal for this one... Then I get the mail... Well, in the mail is a nice big manilla envelope that says "To the parents of Anna Dillard"... I open it up and it's the results from some testing that was done at school by the school psychologist... Not only are they concerned about ADHD (not just ADD, ADHD) but maladjustment issues and PTSD. Not really sure what the PTSD would be from, but it says that specifically in the letter. So there will be a lot more evaluations and testing done...
Now, here's the melt down...
Why can't I just have a normal child?
Why do we have to go through all of this? Why can't she just be a normal happy child like Caleb is. Caleb doesn't have any of these problems! What did I do wrong? Was it even something I did? Is this all something I could have prevented? All I have gotten over the last 2 weeks is "This is wrong with her, this is wrong, that's wrong, this is going to have to be looked into further, this needs to be evaluated, this needs..." I don't want to hear what else is wrong with her. Tell me what's right with her. Tell me what I can do to help her. Tell me what can be done to make this better. Just tell me something good.
I'm so tired of negative and bad... I just want her to be normal and be a happy, care-free child like she should be. I guess that's all for now ...