March 21, 2011

New Bzz Campaign!

So I know I don't typically discuss stuff like this, but I joined a site called a LONG time ago and just haven't been very active with them... Well, now I'm a little more active! I am currently working on a bzzcampaign where I get to try a website called for free for 30 days. It is a website that teaches your elementary school aged child all about math! They can start as early as Kindergarten! I started this with Anna and she ABSOLUTELY LOVES it! She loves that she gets to work on the computer with mommy, she loves doing the worksheets they provide, and she even did pretty well on the evaluation test. We've only been using it for a few days so we will see if it improves her skills over the next month or so :) I can't wait to see how it goes!

If you decide to sign up, use the promo code "BZF" to get a free 14 day trial :)


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